The BEST Vegan Lasagna
Guys. I am seriously proud of this one. This lasagna is packed with goodies: spinach, tofu-ricotta "cheese", cashew mozzarella, red lentils, vegan marinara, and just LOADS of flavor (apparently I'm English now). If you consider how much healthier (more nutrients, lower fat, etc.) this lasagna is compared to traditional lasagna, there's no reason not to try it! Now, I have alluded to wellness quite a lot in this blog, the obvious topic being the healthy nature of my recipes/ a plant-based diet. I briefly addressed generic concerns people may have about a plant-based diet--such as protein--in my High Protein Tofu Stir Fry post. However, I haven't addressed much else on the topic. Bit-by-bit over the next few posts, I would love to give some reassurance, and some tips for healthy living on a plant-based diet. Eventually, I expect this will transition into wellness overall because diet alone cannot and will not provide us our total well-being. Bu...