
Showing posts from August, 2019

The BEST Vegan Lasagna

Guys. I am seriously proud of this one. This lasagna is packed with goodies: spinach, tofu-ricotta "cheese", cashew mozzarella, red lentils, vegan marinara, and just LOADS of flavor (apparently I'm English now). If you consider how much healthier (more nutrients, lower fat, etc.) this lasagna is compared to traditional lasagna, there's no reason not to try it! Now, I have alluded to wellness quite a lot in this blog, the obvious topic being the healthy nature of my recipes/ a plant-based diet. I briefly addressed generic concerns people may have about a plant-based diet--such as protein--in my High Protein Tofu Stir Fry post. However, I haven't addressed much else on the topic. Bit-by-bit over the next few posts, I would love to give some reassurance, and some tips for healthy living on a plant-based diet. Eventually, I expect this will transition into wellness overall because diet alone cannot and will not provide us our total well-being. Bu

Tacos with Cashew Sour Cream

I absolutely meant to post this on Taco Tuesday, but I think that Taco Thursday should still count! As someone who is eating a plant-based diet, tacos are an absolutely wonderful tool in your dinner belt. For one, seasonings for tacos powerful, strong, spicy, and fresh. Additionally, there are endless ingredients that are tasty together in a tortilla, so flavor and fullness are never issues. For another there's unlimited combinations of ingredients, making tacos redoable for every Taco Tuesday. For example, my green lentil tacos  and buffalo tofu wrap  are both variations in the taco family, and are entirely different from tonight's recipe. The most innovative feature of tonight's recipe is, of course, the homemade cashew sour cream. This, paired with seasoned and baked veggies, fresh veggies, and guacamole packs so much flavor into one taco. As I've said before, cooking plant-based has been more fun and and produced more favorite meals than any o

Pillsbury Pesto Bites

Happy Thursday, y'all! I'm not from the south, but my college roommate was, so I have adopted the use of y'all. You should give it a try. Now that we've (finally) made it through the vegan kitchen essentials--spices, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and protein--I would love to give you a brief background of my cooking journey. My hope is that it will encourage you to trust the process and keep going with the new recipes, even if it's unnatural at first. Then, hopefully my tips and inspiration will inspire you to really have fun with these Pillsbury Pesto Bites. I was not born with a knack, nor a love for cooking. In fact, I wouldn't even say I liked cooking until my junior year of college. At this time, my now-husband, then-fiance was interning with the Indiana Pacers, about an hour from where we went to college (Go Hoosiers!). He was also taking 15 credit hours in one of his more difficult semesters. He had no time to cook he

Simple & filling vegan quesadilla

Happy Hump Day, friends.  Today's recipe is cheap and easy, yet healthy and super filling.  It's full of veggies, vitamin c, protein, calcium, and a number of other nutrients. It's also something that you can jazz up and make for a nice dinner, or leave simple for a quick lunch.  Before I get into the simple "how to" of making it, I want to finally finish my Kitchen Essentials for vegan cooking.  I have already covered spices, fruits, grains, and vegetables to keep around. Last but not least, I will finish on what protein I like to keep around. Many people believe that protein somehow exclusively comes from meat and animals products, while this is simply not true. Protein originates from plants, and in fact, farm animals get their protein from plants in the first place. So, while we may not think of things such as broccoli, rice, or spinach having protein, they actually are great sources of protein! If you're more interested